Viuen a Dublín i es van casar el passat 12 de setembre a Masia Vilasendra. Són la Susana i en Graham.
Ella més dolça impossible, ell molt divertit, així els hi han sortit aquest dos nens que tenen, en Conor i en Nico, que ja coneixeu del seu Preboda, que vam fer al centre de Barcelona, clic aquí.
Tenir la possibilitat de fotografiar un casament amb costums diferents a les bodes que faig habitualment és un gust i un repte. En aquest cas, el nuvi estava acompanyat del “Best man” (el millor amic de’n Graham), que més tard diria unes paraules durant el banquet, i també estava amb seu pare i els dos nens. La conversa anava passant entre rialles, mentre anàven arreglant als més menuts. Mentrestant a la Susana, l’anava maquillant i pentinant la Mireia Esteban, acompanyada de la seva mare i germana. Vam riure quan de cop al mirar-me el vestit, vaig reconèixer que era un Pepe Botella, la mateixa firma que amb el que em vaig casar jo.
De camí cap a la masia, plovia moltíssim, el cert és que tots teniem molt assumit que tota la cerimònia seria a l’interior, però de cop el cel es va obrir. I els rapidíssims DesignoEvents, van moure-ho tot al jardí, i va quedar espectacular. La cerimònia va ser molt acollidora en el jardí de la masia i la llum que vam tenir per a fer el reportatge dells dos, no podia ser millor.
Us desitjo el millor. See you soon.
** At the bottom, you can read this text in english**
*** They are living in Dublin and they got married on the 12th September in Masia Vilasendra. They are Susana and Graham.
She is super sweet, and he is a funny guy, that’s probably the reason why they have two cute kids, Connor and Nico, who you already knew in their premarriage session that we did in Barcelona city center clic aquí.
To have the posibility to take pictures in a wedding with different manners as I usually take is challenging and at the same time, a real pleasure. In this case, our man was with “the best man” (his best friend) who later he said some special words during the feast; there were also his father and the two childs.
When I arrived, the two kids were getting dressed and meanwhile we could have some lauthing talks. In the same time our bride was been making up and combing by Mireia Esteban; there were also in the same place, her mother and her sister. We laughted when I realized that her wedding dress was a Pepe Botella, which is the same brand as I got married with
While we were going to the Masia Vilasendra, it was raining a lot, honestly we all assumed that the ceremony was going to be inside the house but suddenly the sun appeared and the rain stopped. Super fast, the team from DesignoEvents, moved everything to the garden and everything was looking super nice. The light we finally got couldn’t be better than it was.
I hope you all the best. See you soon. ***
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